1. Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
2. Russian State Social University
3. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
The aim of the study was to identify the particularities of the defense behavior mechanisms among convicted for terrorist and extremist activities. A total of 469 convicts (351-for terrorist activities, 118 - for extremist activities) participated in the study. Life Style Index was used in order to reveal the defense mechanisms. The results allow us to talk about five types of defense: 1) dominance of projection and compensation defense mechanisms as means against the awareness of the negative and unacceptable personality qualities; 2) dominance of compensation in the profile indicates the desire to overcome a strong sense of inferiority; 3) dominance of reaction formation where unacceptable unconscious content is overcome by strengthening and development of exaggerated opposite trends; 4) dominance of intellectualization, where is the real action to remedy the anxiety and fears, the individual formulates an abstract of judgment, trying to get rid of one’s frustration; 5) dominance of denial, it refers to non-recognition, rejection of reality, displacement of thoughts, feelings, emotions from consciousness. In conclusion the potential of psychotherapeutic work is discussed.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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