Implementation of an integrated approach to training scientific and pedagogical staff at the Academy of management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia


Konev A.N.1,Pavlichenko N.1,Ulyanina O.A.2


1. Federal State Public Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Management Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation»

2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


The article deals with the organizational and procedural aspects of training human resources in the field of science in the context of reforming the education system and the transformation of socio-economic processes in modern society. The existing problems in this field are analyzed, namely the low scientific level of protected works, the lack of unity and consistency of the trends in the development of science and the content of educational programs for the training of this category of students, etc. The first results of the reform are summed up, statistical data of indicators of efficiency of activity of Institute of postgraduate study are analyzed. The article highlights the experience of the Summer scientific school of young scientists, which was attended by 60 representatives of educational institutions from 19 regions of the country, as well as 5 representatives of 4 foreign countries. The effectiveness of the training system is evaluated through the prism of such important indicators of research activities as active and effective participation in research grants, competitions, scientific and representative events; successful defense of dissertations and preparation of research works; publication activity of young scientists.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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