Psychological aspects of information impact on employees of internal affairs Officers


Vinogradov M.V.1ORCID,Ulyanina O.A.2ORCID


1. the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Moscow

2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


The article analyzes the processes of intensive informatization and technologization of modern society, affecting the vector of development of the social, economic, political and military spheres of the state. In this context, the problem of informational impact on a human personality, his consciousness, mindset, spiritual and value orientations is considered. On the scale of the geopolitical interaction of the world community at the information-psychological level, this problem is revealed through the prism of describing the nature and content of the information war carried out in the interests of achieving political and military goals. Areas of informational influence on police officers are specified. In this regard, the need for the formation of information literacy of law enforcement specialists is being updated; the directions of information and psychological counteraction and protection against information attacks are highlighted. Psychological resistance, critical thinking, information security are named among the priority solutions to the highlighted issue.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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