Cosmatesque matrix: syntax of style in Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome


Tsykunov I.V.1


1. The magazine «Our psychology»


Cosmatesque style mosaic is not only the decorative ornament that has decorated medieval temples; it is the developed symbolical system, which represents religious concepts and ideas of a universe structure. Cosmatesque structure includes hierarchy of levels that is similar to phonetic, lexical and grammatical levels of language in its functions. Figures of this style can be include in composition, structurally and functionally corresponding to the sentences and texts developing in a narrative. This article to analyse Cosmatesque syntax and interpretation of concepts of craftsmen Cosmati, on the example of Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. The author of this article assumes that the basilica floor represents the Christological cycle made of plots of the New Testament. Nevertheless, as at that time there was a ban on images of the Scripture Christological cycle is presented by symbolical design of craftsmen Cosmati.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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