1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
Any state moves towards progress with the strength and aspirations, thoughts and works of the best sons who guide the country and determine its path. F.M. Dostoevsky was not only a writer, philosopher, subtle psychologist, but also a statesman. Many works are known where he discusses the place of Russia in the world, the need to take a higher and more stable position, the need for the education and development of Russian territories, and many words of F.M. Dostoevsky is surprised by the accuracy of foresight and designation of a wide range of tasks facing his homeland.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Reference16 articles.
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3. Dergacheva I.V. Obrazy Italii v khudozhestvennom nasledii Dostoevskogo [Images of Italy in the Artistic Heritage of Dostoevsky]. Yazyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2019. Vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 16â23. DOI:10.17759/langt.2019060403. (In Russ.).
4. Dergacheva I.V. Obrazy Italii v epistolyarnom nasledii Dostoevskogo [Images of Italy in Dostoevsky's epistolary heritage]. Yazyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2019. Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 38â44. DOI:10.17759/langt.2019060106. (In Russ.).
5. Dostoevskaya A.G. Vospominaniya. Chast' chetvertaya. Prebyvanie za granitsei [Elektronnyi resurs]. Available at: (Accessed 22.12.2021). (In Russ.).