Some Measures of State and Non-State Support for Families with Children: The Role of Non-Profit Sector Organizations


Telitsyna A.Y.1ORCID


1. HSE University


<p>The study aims to clarify the status of state support measures for children and families with children and the role of organizations of the non-profit sector in providing comprehensive support to families. The purpose of the article is to summarize the data and theoretically analyze various measures to support families with children. The main research method is theoretical analysis. Results of the study demonstrate the main directions of state support and activities of organizations of the non-profit sector, as well as controversial issues and contradictions in access to data, were identified. In the course of the theoretical analysis, a number of diverse factors have been identified that influence the process and result of supporting families with children. It is noted that the involvement of NGOs in the system of proactive preservation with the preservation of health status would increase the strengthening of the effectiveness of the implementation of social policy in the Russian Federation and double care for those who need it.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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