The Impact of Violence in Cyberspace on the Subjective Well-being of Adolescents


Semya G.V.1ORCID,Zaitsev G.O.2ORCID,Zaytseva N.G.3ORCID,Telitsyna A.Y.4ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. independent researcher, programmer

3. Independent Researcher

4. HSE University


<p>The article presents the results of an analysis of the relationship between psychological violence in cyberspace and adolescents' assessments of their well-being (subjective well-being &ndash; SWB). The sample consisted of three groups of respondents who reported different levels of trolling, online attacks, and the publication of personal information, including of a sexual nature. The conducted study demonstrates that cyber violence disrupts the normalization of life, based on the understanding that one's life is no worse than others. A significant decrease in all SWB indicators occurs in the case of the victim's personalization of violence. Adolescents are most dissatisfied with their safety, consideration of their opinions, internal networks, and social contexts. Reluctance to turn to teachers and psychologists in school leads to the fact that the majority of adolescents &ndash; victims of cyber violence &ndash; remain without professional assistance, with all the consequences described in the literature on the subject. <strong><em> </em></strong></p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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