Conflict Situations in Secondary Educational Institutions: Needs of Adolescents and Adults around Them According to the Results of Sociological Research


Lyalina I.N.1ORCID,Zolotova A.M.1ORCID,Rusakova M.M.2ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg State University

2. St. Petersburg University


<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">This paper aims to clarify the current situation and identify difficulties in conflict resolution involving adolescents in the secondary educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The results of the empirical research obtained with four samples are presented: students being teenagers (N=136438, aged 14-17), parents of teenagers aged 12-17 (N=123870), teachers (N=41299), professionals working with teenagers (N=40052). The study was conducted by means of an online survey, for which 4 target-group-oriented instruments were developed. Due to the lack of a unified algorithm for resolving conflict situations in educational institutions, relevant information on the participants of conflicts, ways of resolution, reasons for not seeking help from adolescents, requests from parents, teachers and specialists, as well as difficulties encountered in the process were identified. Recommendations on the implementation of measures to resolve conflicts involving adolescents are derived. The obtained data can be used to improve the processes of conflict resolution in educational institutions and to develop a document regulating the algorithm of actions when conflicts occur with the participation of teenagers in educational institutions.</span></p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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