1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
2. Two Wings Family and Children’s Assistance Centre
<p>The review article presents a discussion of some topical issues of standardization of activities to prepare orphans and children without parental care for independent living and their support after graduation from various forms of education. The focus is on children of the normotypical category and children with “special needs” – with limited health and (or) disabilities, with mental development disorders, with socially significant diseases, who need to develop adherence to taking medication. The structure and content of the standards are considered, the forms and methods of preparing students for independent life and accompanying graduates are illustrated, including an analysis of organizational resources and evaluation criteria. The speakers noted the need to focus on developing skills that will be in demand in a new place of life after adulthood, as well as developing independence in performing daily life activities for special categories of graduates. The results of testing the tools for socio-psychological examination of pupils and graduates in various forms of living conditions, and certain effective practices (mentoring, training apartments, project activities, etc.) that contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the standard were presented.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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