2. Mental Health Research Center
The article reviews the experience of discussing suicidal topics at the support group for people with mental illness. We analyze the influence of suicidal manifestations on the group leaders and participants and discuss the main approaches to work with suicidal manifestations and the limitations set by the group and its participants’ mental disorders. We formulate the following goals, which emerge when suicidal topics arise in a support group: preventing suicide and preventing the formation of the syndrome of emotional burnout among the leaders. The tasks necessary to reach the goals are described: increasing the competence level of the group leaders with regards to suicide manifestations, clarifying the severity of suicidal behavior and risk, preventing suicidal behavior from becoming a common response, identifying personal motivation for suicidal behavior, detecting the relationship between the power of suicidal tendencies and the state of mental health and improving compliance. We discuss the ways of fulfilling these tasks and limitations associated with them.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Clinical Psychology,Health (social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology
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