Schmitz Workshops: The System of Comprehensive Support for Adults with Mental Disabilities


Semenkova O.S.1ORCID,Sukmanov V.V.2ORCID


1. State Budgetary Institution of Social Services «Pro- duction and Integration Workshops for the Disabled named after V.P. Schmitz» (RRC GBUSO "PIM")

2. State Budgetary Institution of Social Services «Production and Integration Workshops for the Disabled named after V.P. Schmitz» (RRC GBUSO «PIM»)


The organization of a social and labor employment on a permanent basis for people with mental disabilities is the multidimensional and lengthy process that requires elaboration at the state level. The technology of inpatient substitution and a description of new implemented practices for the comprehensive support of adults with mental disabilities in the Pskov region are presented. Provided analysis of results of the work of the resource center for social services and the current system of comprehensive support for the period 2018-2021 in the following areas: vocational training, social and labor employment at work, social day employment, socio-cultural rehabilitation; supported accommodation and post-residential house support. 164 people visit the institution on an ongoing basis, 16 of them are people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Training programs have been written and are being used to acquire working professions. In 2019, an assisted living house was opened and a post-residential house support system was introduced. The existing problems are analyzed, questions for the further development in the field of socialization of people with mental disabilities are proposed.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Environmental Engineering

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