1. 18 plyus â Rabota i zanyatostâ molodezhi i vzroslykh s umstvennymi i mnozhestvennymi ogranicheniyami: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii (14â17 fevralya 2007 g., g. Minsk) [18 Plus â Work and occupation for youth and adults with intellectual and multiple disabilities: Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference (February 14â17, 2007, Minsk)]. Pskov: Publ. Pskov State Pedagogical University, 2008. 112 p. ISBN 978- 5-87854-443-6.
2. Zhdankin N.A., Simakov S.D. Osnovnye zadachi pri reshenii problemy trudoustroistva invalidov (obzor) [The main tasks in solving the problem of disabled people employment (review)]. Kreativnaya ekonomika [Creative Economics], 2021, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 245â264. DOI:10.18334/ce.15.1.111563
3. Zhiznâ s dostoinstvom: Prakticheskoe posobie po soprovozhdaemomu prozhivaniyu [Life with dignity: Practical guide to assisted living]. Moscow: Publ. Pero, 2017. 272 p. ISBN 978-5-00122-047-3.
4. Zhukova T.N., Novozhilova I.S. Tekhnologii sotsialânogo soprovozhdeniya invalidov trudosposobnogo vozrasta dlya integratsii ikh v trudovye otnosheniya [Technologies of social support for working age disabled people for their integration into work relationships]. Uchenye zapiski SPbGIPSR [Bulletin of the Saint Petersburg State University of Psychology and Social Services], 2020, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 110â114.
5. Karpova N.A. Osnovnye problemy professionalânoi orientatsii molodykh lyudei s tyazhelymi narusheniyami psikhicheskogo razvitiya i intellektualânoi nedostatochnostâyu [General Problems of Professional Orientation of Young People with Severe Mental Development Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities]. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya [Autism and Developmental Disorders (Russia)], 2020, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 49â54. DOI:10.17759/autdd.2020180207