Factors Influencing the Success Of Autism Spectrum Disorders Overcoming


Gorbachevskaya N.1,Pereverzeva D.S.2,Voinova V.Yu.3,Sorokin A.B.1,Koval-Zaitsev A.A.4,Salimova K.R.5,Tyushkevich S.A.6,Kobzova M.7,Danilina K.K.2,Mamokhina U.A.5,Yurov I.Yu.8,Vorsanova S.G.9,Yurov Yu.B.10


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


3. Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics Named After Academi¬cian Yuri Veltishchev, Health and Social Welfare Ministry

4. Department of Neuro- and Patho-Psychology, Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Research Fellow, Department of Medical Psychology, Research Center of Mental Health, RAMS

5. R&EC «Neurobiological Diagnostics of Hereditary Mental Disor¬ders of Children and Adolescents», MSUPE

6. R&EC «Neurobiological Diagnostics of He¬reditary Mental Disorders of Children and Adolescents», MSUPE

7. Mental Health Research Center


9. laboratory at the Institute of pediatrics and pediatric surgery, Rosmedtehnologii. Leading researcher of the scientific and educational center “Neurobiological diagnosis of hereditary diseases in children and adolescents” at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

10. head of laboratory at the Research center of mental health. Leading researcher of the scientific and educational center “Neurobiological diagnosis of hereditary diseases in children and adolescents” at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.


No more than 10—20% of children with autism, as becoming adults can adapt to a relatively independent life. Despite many publications dedicated to autism, relatively little work has examined the output characteristics and pathomorphosis of psychic and cognitive disorders in people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Only few longitudinal studies allow us to represent what happens in later life with people who have ASD. For conducting effective correctional interventions overcomingwith children with ASD there is need to identify predictors of successful overcome of disorders. The basis for the study, conducted by a team of psychologists and neuroscientists, was the assumption that the information about the features of violations of basic neurobiological mechanisms in people with autism spectrum disorders should determine the tactics of assistance. Genetic, neurophysiological and psychological factors, causing more successful overcoming of these disorders in children are revealed.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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