1. Anan’ev I.V., Bystrova Yu.A. Vklyuchenie lits s mental’nymi narusheniyami v professional’no-trudovuyu deyatel’nost’ (opyt raboty sotsial’nogo predpriyatiya «Osobaya sborka») [Inclusion into professional work activity for persons with psychological disorders (Experience of the “Special Assembly” social enterprise)] / Regional community organization for supporting people with disabilities “Radost’”. Moscow: Publ. KARO, 2021. 144 p. ISBN 978-5-9925-1535-0.
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3. Volkova O.O., Golovina G.A. Opyt i perspektivy professional’nogo obucheniya molodykh lyudei s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spektra [Experience and perspectives for vocational training for young adults with autism spectrum disorders]. Metodist = Methodologist, 2018, no. 5, pp. 23—28.
4. Kozhushko L.A., Gordievskaya E.O., Demina E.N. Soprovozhdaemoe prozhivanie: opyt, problemy, perspektivy razvitiya [Accompanied Accommodation: Experience, Problems, Prospects for Development]. Fizicheskaya i reabilitatsionnaya meditsina = Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2019, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 26—36. DOI:10.26211/2658-4522-2019-1-2-26-36
5. Kostin I.A. Proforientatsiya i trudoustroistvo lyudei s RAS: chego mozhno dobit’sya i kak mozhno pomoch’ [Career guidance and employment for persons with ASD: what can be achieved and how one can help]. In Osobyi rebenok: Issledovaniya i opyt pomoshchi: Vyp. 12 [Special child: Research and experience of support: Vol. 12]. Moscow: Publ. Terevinf, 2021. Pp. 301—313.