Description of the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills Revisited (ABLLS-R)


Semenovich M.L.1,Manelis N.G.2,Khaustov A.V.3,Kozorez A.I.4,Morozovq E.V.5


1. the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support to Children and Adolescents of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education , Moscow, Russia

2. the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support to Children and Adolescents

3. Federal Resources Center for Children with ASDm Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Moscow, Russia


5. the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support to Children and Adolescents of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Moscow, Russia


Diagnostics and assessment of the functional skills of children with disabilities and autism spectrum disorders are to be conducted to develop comprehensive remedial educational programmes. The described Methodology of the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills — Revisited (ABLLS-R) allows to simplify and make the diagnostics more efficient, to conduct a comprehensive examination of the child in different areas of development, detect the formed and deficit skills. The second and final part of the description of the methodology offers recommendations on the filling of the Table of the Results of Initial and Repeated Testing and on the choice of goals of correctional work with a child on the basis of performance of individual test scales. The pattern of the table filled after the initial and repeated testing is given. In drawing up of the programme of individual development the willingness of the child to the development of that skill should be considered. Regular practice of selected skills in various situations and the preventive measures against the regression of skills are also important. Conclusive part. Beginning in № 3 (48), 2015


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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