Awareness of Parents about the Disease of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


Bogacheva O.1,Ivanov M.V.1,Simashkova N.V.2


1. Mental Health Research Centre

2. Mental health research center


This article is concerned with the issue of parental awareness of the illness of children with autism spectrum disorders. Lack of awareness of treatment options and its limitations, rehabilitation issues can cause psychological problems in the child’s parents, such as anxiety and stress from the diagnosis. The aim of the pilot study is to determine the parents' awareness of the disease of children with autism spectrum disorders in the early stages of consulting a doctor. To achieve this goal, a specially designed questionnaire was used to determine the level of awareness of the disease, treatment methods, parents` own role, etc. The study showed that most parents of children with autism spectrum disorders evaluate their knowledge as not satisfactory enough. A quarter of parents reported a lack of objective knowledge about the problem of autism in children, the second quarter of parents noted that they have sufficient knowledge about the illness of children and do not need additional information. At the same time, regardless of the level of awareness of the child’s illness, 80% of parents say that they need additional information about the child’s illness, ways and forms of helping him, as well as attending specially organized psycho-educational meetings. The results of this study allow develop effective individualized psycho-educational programs for parents (raising awareness of the problem) aimed at reducing anxiety and stabilizing the emotional background in a family raising a child with autism spectrum disorders.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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