Influence of Midlands as a Means of Strengthening Immunity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


Kapysheva U.N.1ORCID,Karatai Z.K.2ORCID,Bakhtiyarova S.K.3ORCID,Zhaksymov B.I.1ORCID


1. RSE “Institute of Human and Animal Physiology” SC MES RK

2. «Ski Park Pioneer» LLP

3. Republican State Enterprise "Institute of Human and Animal Physiology" Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The cross-over effect of the influence of the hypoxic environment and physical activity, designated as “cross-adaptation”, on the health promotion of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was investigated. A model has been developed for correcting the health of children with ASD on the basis of systematic seasonal 10-day physical training courses in a natural moderately hypoxic environment. Systematic health improvement courses with the use of special physical exercises in conditions of natural mountain hypoxia develop cellular and humoral mechanisms of immune responses, increase immunity, improve the physical and psycho-emotional state of children. Among 50 young and adolescent children diagnosed with ASD, after 4 10-day health improvement courses during the year, 20% of young children and 80% of adolescents showed an increase in the activity of cellular and humoral immunity. The proposed model for correcting the health of children with ASD is a promising universal non-drug way to increase immunity, stimulate the processes of adaptation and socialization of children with ASD. In the opinion of parents, after health improvement courses, many children have a desire to communicate with both parents and other children.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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