1. Artemova E.E., Belosvetova D.E. Primenenie art-terapevticheskikh metodov v rabote po formirovaniyu kommunikativnykh navykov u detei s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spektra [The Use of Art-Therapeutic Methods in the Work on the Formation of Communication Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders]. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya [Autism and developmental disorders (Russia)], 2019, vol. 17, no. 4 (65), pp. 35â42. DOI:10.17759/autdd.2019170405
2. Artpedagogika i artterapiya v spetsialânom obrazovanii: Uchebnik dlya studentov srednikh i vysshikh pedagogicheskikh uchebnykh zavedenii [Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education: Textbooks for students of professional and higher pedagogic education facilities]. Moscow: Publ. Academia, 2001. 248 p. ISBN 5-7695-0561-3.
3. Vasina A.S., Tishina L.A. Razvitie kommunikacii u detei s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spectra sredstvami igrovoi terapii [Development of Сommunication in Сhildren With Autism Spectrum Disorders by Means of Play Therapy] // Sbornik materialov konferencii Kompleksnoie soprovojdenie detei s s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spectra [Comprehensive support of children with autism spectrum disorders] Moskva: Publ. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, 2016, pp. 313â318. ISBN 978-5-94051-154-2.
4. Vizelâ T.G. Rebenok i ego razvitie [The child and their development]. Moscow: Publ. V. Sekachev, 2016. 140 p. ISBN 978- 5-88923-909-3.
5. Galyant I.G. Korrektsiya detskogo autizma sredstvami art-pedagogiki: monografiya [Correcting autism in children by means of art pedagogy: monography] / South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. Chelyabinsk: Publ. South Ural scientific center of the Russian Acdemy of Education, 2019. 335 p. ISBN 978-5-907284-00-5.