Perceptual Models of an Ambivalent Other under Conditions of a Negative Pre-Stimulation


Baleva M.V.1ORCID,Polyanina O.I.1ORCID


1. Perm State University


<p>The effects of framing with pre-stimulus information on the target object assessment were simulated in the perception of self-presentation video interview. Non-target personages of extremely positive and negative personal valence were presented as pre-stimuli. Two path models were built: the first one (Attitude Model) reproduced the structural logic of the attitude formation, and the second one (TraitsтModel) &mdash; the logic of dispositional traits perception. The sample consisted of 394 students from 17 to 27 years old (M = 20.06, SD = 1.24). It was found that the shifts in the target object's scores were occurred according to the contrast effect, however, this effect was triggered only by the negative pre-stimulus. In the Attitude Model, the primary &ldquo;target&rdquo; of the negative pre-stimulus is the cognitive component of the attitude. Slightly changing towards growth, it caused an avalanche-like positive shift in the emotional and behavioral components. In the Traits Model, the shift in the perception of personality traits was also occurred according to the principle of contrast. Negative pre-stimulus had a direct impact on the perception of Agreeableness and Extraversion, which, in turn, mediated the perception of Conscientiousness and Openness to experience. The results obtained could be used to create directed perceptual effects in the process of pedagogical, media or therapeutic influence.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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