Comparative analysis of the features of the solution to the problem of choosing a hole corresponding to the size of the body in Tiliqua gigas skinks and rats Rattus norvegicus


Sokolov A.Yu.1ORCID


1. Moscow Institute of psychoanalysis


The article presents a comparative psychological analysis of the peculiarities of solving the problem of choosing a hole corresponding to the size of the body in blue-tongued skinks and gray rats. In the course of the study, in the framework of which the animals had to solve the problem of obtaining bait, through the holes corresponding to the size of the body. In the course of the experiment, the limits of the bodies of animals changed: natural or enlarged. It was found that both types of animals are able to solve the problem. During experimental series, the skinks learned to choose a large hole that is permeable to the enlarged limits of their bodies. Rats are able to learn the empirical regularity of the ratio of the limits of their own bodies and the limits of environmental objects, which allows them to flexibly modify their behavior in accordance with new situations, both in the case of changes in the characteristics of their bodies and in the changes in the characteristics of external objects. Based on these data, we conclude that the cognitive abilities of skinks and rats vary considerably: unlike skinks, rats are able to learn how to fit their body size and hole size, and then without additional training, use this skill flexibly in new situations.


Russian Science Foundation


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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