Development of Psychological Diagnostics Systems Basing on New Mathematical Representations


Kuravsky L.S.1ORCID,Yuryev G.A.1ORCID,Yuryeva N.E.1ORCID,Nikolaev I.A.1ORCID,Nesimova A.O.1ORCID,Polyakov B.Y.1ORCID,Kozyrev A.D.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


<p style="text-align: justify;">Suggested is a new approach to development of the adaptive systems for psychological diagnostics, which can be considered as artificial intelligence tools for assessing the subject activities. It is based on the convolution of the applied Markovian process representing a diagnostic procedure under study into the quantum representation, which makes it possible to reveal the structure of this procedure with the aid of the quantum spectral analysis. When small samples of empirical data are in use to set up diagnostic tools, the considered quantum estimates have significant advantages over the relevant likelihood and Bayesian estimates as well as over the simpler estimates based on the neural networks.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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