Mixed Environment with Augmented Reality: The Effects of Presence in Game Interaction Situation


Soldatova G.U.1ORCID,Rasskazova E.I.1ORCID,Klishevich A.S.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


<p style="text-align: justify;">Augmented, virtual reality, online and offline are considered as a single living space of mixed reality - an important dimension of socialization of the personality functioning in such an environment enhanced and expanded by technical devices and programs. In this context one of the main psychological phenomena is the phenomenon of presence - individuals' subjective experience of being in mixed reality. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of the subjective experience (phenomenon) of presence by a personality, enhanced by augmented reality in a gaming social interaction in mixed environment. 154 students aged 17 to 24 participated in an augmented reality underwater hunting game in pairs. They were randomly presented with three instructions: neutral, cooperative, and competitive interaction. Subjective experience of presence (immersion in the game, engagement, realism of augmented reality) as an integrative indicator of technologically enhanced personality, social interaction (distraction to the partner, attitude towards the partner), positive and negative emotions were assessed. The following results were obtained: engagement and realism of augmented reality are related to immersion in the given environment. The effect of presence is related to positive, but not negative, changes in emotional state while playing in augmented reality. Game involvement is more pronounced in competitive AR conditions than in cooperative and neutral ones. Greater game involvement and realism of augmented reality are associated with fewer distractions to the partner. Regarding game immersion, the same effect was found for neutral instruction and cooperative instruction. The effect of presence (engagement and realism of augmented reality) in a mixed environment as an important indicator of personality, enhanced with augmented reality, was more pronounced in a competitive environment and was associated with more positive experiences in it and fewer distractions to a partner.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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