The Phenomenon of Value-Affective Polarization of Large Social Groups and the Methodology for Assessing Implicit Political Attitudes


Lebedev A.N.1ORCID,Gordyakova O.V.2ORCID,Panfilova A.S.3ORCID


1. Institute of psychology RAS

2. Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

3. Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences


<p>The phenomenon of value-affective polarization of large social groups has now become relevant in connection with global processes in the modern world and is one of the most important indicators of the psychological and political stability of society. To study this phenomenon in the field of political psychology, methods are needed that evaluate implicit (hidden or unconscious) political attitudes, since at present many citizens are not ready to publicly express their opinions on the most pressing issues of foreign and domestic policy. The article presents a methodology developed on the basis of the IAT (Implicit Association Test). According to the distribution of D-points calculated using the D2 method, it allows to evaluate political attitudes and makes it possible to experimentally study the value-affective polarization of opinions in focus group discussions without violating the principle of anonymity of respondents.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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