Oculomotor activity parameters of the operator in the P300 brain–computer interface with variating stimulus situations


Basyul I.A.1


1. Institute of Psychology RAS


We tested the hypotheses about the correlation of visual environment properties in the BCI P300 with oculomotor activity and operator efficiency. We varied level of stimulus intensification and the frame surrounding the stimulus elements. So we had four situation: 1) low contrast, without frame; 2) low contrast, with frame; 3) high contrast, without frame; 4) high contrast, with frame. 12 subjects participated. Our study showed that visual environment which provides lowest level of operator’s errors and so the highest efficiency of the BCI P300 workflow combined with lowest fixation dispersion and highest fixation duration. However, various subjects demonstrated the highest level of the efficiency at the different visual environments. We did not define the best type of the visual environment for the most efficient BCI P300 workflow. This results demonstrate the opportunity to use the eyetracking for optimization visual environment of the BCI P300 for most efficient and comfort operator’s workflow. The study was funded by RFH, grant 15-36-01386 “Consistent pattern of organization oculomotor activity in an environ- ment of brain-computer interface”.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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