Pathology of memory in the structure of mental development disorders in children with convulsive paroxysms


Turovskaya N.G.1


1. Volgograd state medical University (SEI HPE Volga)


Memory disorders are a common pathology in children with convulsive paroxysms. The present study tested the hypothesis that the pathology of memory in children with paroxysmal states have quantitative and qualitative specificity. The study involved 107 children aged 6-10 years. 59 people had a history of paroxysmal state, 12 people with epileptiform activity on EEG without seizures in history. A comparison group comprised 36 people with residual cerebral pathology without a history of seizures. The study used experimental psychological and neuropsychological research methods memory. The results of empirical studies have shown that increasing importance in the picture of violations mnestic activity in children with convulsive paroxysms addition to short-term verbal memory disorders have impaired short-term visual memory, the phenomenon of amnestic aphasia and modal-nonspecific memory disorders. The degree of short-term verbal memory disorders correlates with the age of onset of seizures, visual memory - with the number of attacks in history. Consideration of the results will allow to organize the process of providing psychological assistance to sick children more effectively.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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