Personal Determinants for the Deviant Behavior of Students of Secondary Vocational Education Institutions


Korneeva Ya.A.1ORCID,Korneeva A.V.2ORCID


1. Northern (Arctic) Federal University

2. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov University


The article presents research data on the identification of personality determinants of various types of deviant behavior of students of secondary vocational education institutions. The study is retrospective because based on the recorded objective manifestations of various types of deviant behavior of students during their training in an educational institution. The study involved 82 students — boys and girls aged 15 to 17 years. We studied the following types of deviant behavior: socio-psychological maladaptation, primary deviation, addictive behavior, aggressive behavior and delinquent behavior. Objective indicators for each type of deviant behavior were recorded on the basis of the personal data of students. Personal- ity determinants were evaluated using psychological testing techniques. The study found that the most common types of deviant behavior are primary deviation and delinquent behavior. The study found that the personal determinants of the socio-psychological maladaptation of students are dominance, affection, cooperation, respect for others, carefree, emotive and curious; primary deviation — the manifestation of feelings, plasticity; addictive behavior — a tendency to overcome norms and rules, a violation of volitional control of emotional reactions; aggressive behavior — respect for others, expressiveness, artistry, demon- strativeness, excitability, emotiveness, a tendency to self-destructive behavior; delinquent behavior — cooperation, respect for others, dymism cyclotymic, a tendency to overcome norms and rules, a tendency to addictive behavior. Common personal determinants that are characteristic of different types of deviant behavior are cooperation, respect for others, emotionality, a tendency to overcome norms and rules, hypertimity, cyclotimicity, stuck and exalted.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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