Profiles of Multiple Social Identification and Attitude to Representatives of Other Nations in Russians and Bulgarians: A Cross-Cultural Analysis


Nosova (Velkova) (Velkova) K.1ORCID


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


The paper explores latent profiles of social identification and attitudes to representatives of other nations in the cultural contexts of Russia and Bulgaria through the lens of personality-oriented approach. The research methodology included modified versions of social identity scales from the MIRIPS questionnaire and Verkuyten’s scale of religious identity. The online social psychological survey involved 234 Russians (66% females, 60% aged 30—49 years) and 278 Bulgarians (76% females, 45% aged 18-29). As a result, four latent profiles were identified in Russia (Internationalists, Individualists, Europeans, Nationalists) and three — in Bulgaria (Individualists, Europeans, Nationalists). Nevertheless, the content of the profiles as well as the features of the respondents constituting the profiles were similar. Nationalists displayed strong multiple identification and negative attitudes towards representatives of other nations; Individualists expressed weak multiple identification and negative attitudes towards representatives of other nations; Europeans demonstrated very strong European identification and positive attitudes towards representatives of other nations. The Internationalist profile was found only among the Russians and featured weak multiple identification and positive attitudes towards representatives of other nations. The paper concludes that there are both intercultural similarities and differences in the characteristics of the respondents that constitute each latent profile of multiple social identification and attitude to representatives of other nations.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Psychology (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Cultural Studies,Applied Psychology

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