Psychosemantics of the Character Attraction in the Cult Films and Symbolic-Mythological Contexts of Subject’s Identification


Gryazeva-Dobshinskaya V.G.1ORCID,Korobova S.Y.2ORCID,Dmitrieva Yu.A.2ORCID


1. South Ural State University (FSBEI HE SUSU)

2. South Ural State University


<p>The personalization of art communication provides a situation of openness, that&acute;s how cult films as well as psychological studies of this phenomenon appear. The article is dedicated to the study of the psychosemantic structure of the attraction of characters in the cult film "Game of Thrones" in the context of viewer&rsquo;s identification with characters in situations of special art communications. In the study we used a modification of the semantic differential &ldquo;Attractiveness of film characters&rdquo; by C. Osgood . 204 people were recruited for this study: 130 people familiar with the series and 74 people not familiar with it. The study revealed the identification of subjects with the characters of the cult film, even if people wasnot quite familiar with them, as well as importance of the attraction factor. The psychosemantic structure of the attraction of the film's main characters is ambivalent, it is simpler and more unambiguous for subjects who feel identified with a certain character, and more complex for subjects who don&rsquo;t. The results of the study are presented in the context of a discussion about the phenomenon of the cult movie</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Psychology (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Cultural Studies,Applied Psychology

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