Destructive Perfectionism and Protective factors of Emotional well-being of university students


Tsatsulin T.O.1,Kholmogorova A.B.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


<p>According to research data, perfectionism scores in the student population are on the rise. The article describes the sociocultural and educational context that causes the revealed trend. The study conducted on a student sample (N=194) confirms the conclusions of researchers regarding the destructive impact of mixed and socially prescribed perfectionism. Subjectness and self-efficacy are considered as possible protective factors of emotional well-being that can reduce the negative impact of perfectionism. The results of correlational analysis and application of the mediation model demonstrated the protective effect of the identified factors. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in higher education institutions with the implementation of methods of reflexive-activity approach, which implies the actualization and support of students' subjectness position.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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