1. Don State Technical University
2. Southern Federal University
This study aims to comprehensively explore the emotional, personal, and metacognitive predictors of students’ psychological well-being. The article presents the results of identifiesying supporting and dysfunctional factors that affect the level of psychological well-being of the current generation of students. Study sample: 317 people subjects aged 18 to 45 years (average age 20.82) — undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. To measure these characteristics, the following methods were used: a short portrait questionnaire of the Big Five; methodology “Differential Scale of Emotions”; methodology for diagnosing the subjective well-being of the individual; Metacognitive Awareness Inventory; Metacognitive behavior self-assessment scale; test “Differential type of reflection”; Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the author’s self-assessment questionnaire of metacognitive behavior “Metacognitive skills in the structure of educational and professional activities”. It is shown that the level of subjective well-being differs significantly depending on the level of metacognitive involvement. A positive effect is also exerted by a high index of positive emotions, a greater level of extraversion and conscientiousness, and a low level of neuroticism. The data obtained can be helpful in developing programs for forming and reforming individual metacognitive strategies that contribute to successful adaptation and maintaining subjective well-being maintenance.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Social Psychology,Psychology (miscellaneous)
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3 articles.