Parental Maturity: Concept Content and Structure in Domestic and Foreign Studies


Sokolova N.S.1ORCID


1. Altai State Pedagogical University (AltSPU)


<p>The author analyzes the concept of parental maturity with the aim to operationalize it and define the structure. The construct is based on maturity understanding in the context of parenthood. Parental maturity is a complex, diversified form that reflects personal maturity. The structure of the construct is presented as a set of instrumental, motivational, and value components, integrating in the internal position of a parent in life choices regarding the birth, upbringing of children, and responsibility for the decisions made. The development of parental maturity is facilitated by the development of the parent&rsquo;s internal position, including self-reflection. It helps to assess the level of personal maturity and analyze parental position, resiliency, involvement, control of a child&rsquo;s development, and taking risks associated with children growing up. Within parenthood, the development of semantic and life-meaning orientations activates the setting of new self-development tasks by the parents themselves.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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