Relationship of Lifestyle Activity, Subjective Health and Subjective Well-Being of Adolescent Children in the Russia


Oslon V.N.1ORCID,Prokopyeva L.M.1ORCID,Kolesnikova U.V.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


<p>The article presents the results obtained within the framework of the All-Russian empirical study "Subjective well-being of older adolescent and adolescent children in the Russian Federation" (2021), in which 10626 respondents (13-17 years old) from 22 regions of the Russian Federation participated. Interest in the topic is due to anxiety for the physical and psychological health of the younger generation entering adulthood. The obtained results made it possible to prove the existence of a positive close relationship between satisfaction with one's own activity in the social and physical spheres, subjective health, comfort of the educational environment and the summary score of subjective well-being (hereinafter SB) among the study participants. The identified age and gender patterns of changes in the level of closeness of the scales with the SB, a comparative analysis of satisfaction ratings with them in dynamics indicated their dependence on puberty and adolescent crises. It is shown that girls rate their "activity" and "comfort of the educational environment" lower than boys and are less vulnerable to stress associated with leaving school. It was revealed that in informants with disabilities, the assessments of their activity and subjective health have a negative age dynamic, in contrast to conditionally healthy ones. Living in ecologically unfavorable (polluted) and hard-to-reach territories has a negative impact on respondents' assessments of activity and subjective health.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Social Psychology,Psychology (miscellaneous)

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