Features of Preschoolers’ Use of Digital Media: New Socio-Cultural Context


Smirnova S.Y.1ORCID,Klopotova E.E.2ORCID,Rubtsova O.V.2ORCID,Sorokova M.G.2ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Objective. In the empirical study reveal the peculiarities of parents’ position in relation to preschoolers’ media use and parent-child relationship under digital transformation. Background. In recent years all over the world children tend to get acquainted with gadgets very early and spend more and more time with them. There is also an increase in digital content, designed for children of early and preschool age. In these circumstances many parents face challenges in organizing their children’s interactions with digital devices. Despite the importance of the problem, the research, devoted to various aspects of preschoolers’ use of technologies, is still rather scarce. The relevance ofsuch research is due to the need of constructing efficient means of child-adult cooperation, mediated by new digital signs. Study design. In the framework of the study a questionnaire “Parents and children in digital interactions”, which included 19 questions, was elaborated. The survey was conducted in different social networks via a Google-form. Participants. The study sample included 6376 parents of children aged from 2 to 7 years old (from the Russian Federation). Measurements. Quantitative analysis of the data was conducted by the means of descriptive statistics, while calculations were made in SPSS V23. Results. The empirical data revealed some tendencies in the use of digital devices by contemporary Russian preschoolers. First, Russian preschoolers more often get access to “adult” devices, such as smartphones, computers, or tablets, rather than to gadgets, specifically designed for children (IoT, books and games with QR-codes, AR etc.) The data also showed, that while providing access to gadgets, preschool¬ers’ parents expect a developmental and educational effect. However, while organizing their children’s interaction with gadgets, most parents rely on their child’s preferences and their own curiosity, rather than on professional recommendations. Conclusions. Under the fourth Information Revolution humanity faces a situation, when the child from early age gets access to the adult’s labour tool. This actually means a totally new social situation of development, that is, new forms of child-adult activity. Therefore the academic community faces the challenge of investigating digital media as a new cultural means.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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