Features of the Social Activity of Russian Youth in Conditions of Forced Social Restrictions


Arendachuk I.V.1ORCID,Usova N.V.1ORCID,Klenova M.A.1ORCID


1. Saratov State University (SSU)


<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objective.</strong> The study of the characteristics of the social activity of young people in conditions of restrictions associated with forced isolation, aimed at identifying the features of the manifestation of its compensatory forms due to social frustration. <strong>Background.</strong> The psychological aspects of the problem of social activity of an individual limited by new social norms and rules due to the spread of coronavirus infection require a more complete study. In this regard the question of the characteristics that determine the characteristics of youth activity in different spheres of life. <strong>Study design.</strong> The paper analyzes the specificity in the manifestation of social activity among Russian youth in connection with forced social restrictions. The dependence of various forms of social activity by its psychological characteristics. The hypothesis about the socially oriented orientation of youth activity in conditions of social isolation is tested. <strong>Participants.</strong> Representatives of Russian youth: 409 people (74% women, 26% men) from 17 to 30 years old (M=21.35; SD=3.78). <strong>Measurements. </strong>Questionnaire for the study of socio-demographic characteristics and the severity of various forms of social activity (R.M. Shamionov et al.); the methods <em>&ldquo;</em>Personality activity in conditions of forced social restrictions&rdquo; (N.V. Usova et al.). <strong>Results.</strong> In the conditions of forced social restrictions youth have increased family-household, civil, educational-developmental, Internet-network and Internet-search forms of activity, the severity of leisure and socio-economic activity decreases, and there are no changes in its other forms of manifestation. Leisure, civic, socio-economic and educational-developmental activity of young people is characterized by frustration at the consequences of forced social restrictions, the severity of compensatory forms and the activation of additional personal resources. Internet-network and Internet-search activity is aimed at social contacts and itself acts as a form of compensation for other types of activity during the period of self-isolation. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Changes in the manifestation of the social activity of young people during the period of social isolation are diachronic in nature. The main characteristics reflecting the specificity of social activity in its various forms are established. The compensatory forms of social activity and the factors of its determination in conditions of forced social restrictions are revealed.</p>


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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