Physiological and Behavioral Indicators of School Anxiety


Tarasova S.Ju.1,Osnitsky A.K.1


1. Psychological University Russian Education Academy (PU REA)


We describe the results of a longitudinal study (2007-2012; 2013 to present), in which the regularities of the relationship between psychological and physiological indicators of children’s adaptation to the conditions of schooling are revealed. In particular, it was found that the risk of formation of school anxiety is associated with status of the child in the class position. Physiological marker of experienced anxiety in children in this risk group is cortisol in saliva samples. We revealed sensitivity of sympathoadrenal tone index to the state of anxiety in “inadequately calm” children. These students are consistently isolated in pupils group and exhibit behavioral disorders. We describe the preliminary results of three consecutive measurements of indicators of school anxiety and aggressiveness. The extent is revealed to which the risk of aggressive behavior is associated with hostility as the negative personality attitude. It was found that hostility is positively correlated with the school, self-evaluation and interpersonal anxiety of the children.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Social Psychology,Psychology (miscellaneous)

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