Testing K. Patrick Method of Psychopathy Diagnosis in Russian Sample


Atadzhykova Y.A.1,Enikolopov S.N.2


1. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Mental Health Research Center”

2. Mental Health Research Center


The article is devoted to the development of a method of diagnosing psychopathy, or antisocial (dissocial) personality disorder. Modern researchers mostly use the methods of experiment, expert assessment, clinical interview or different combinations for personality disorders, including psychopathy. However, nowadays there is a growing need in development of a psychopathy diagnosis method which would be less labour-intensive, less expensive and more objective. One of the recently developed models of psychopathy is Trierarchic conceptualization by C. Patrick, it offers a new way to operationalize and diagnose psychopathy. The authors had tested this method in the Russian population, including both common sample as well as criminal offender sample consisting of individuals that have been suspected, accused or convicted of violent crimes. The subject of the current research is psychopathic traits measured by the tested method. We had carried out statistical and content analyzes of the data. Our study allowed to conclude that tested Russian version of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure is effective enough to be used for research purposes. However, further research is required in order to render this measure valid to practical use.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Social Psychology,Psychology (miscellaneous)

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