Теоретические проблемы прагмастилистики. Часть 1


Kiklewicz Aleksander


The author presents the theoretical basis for linguistic research, whose subject is the interaction of two disciplines: stylistics and pragmatics. In the first part of the article, the author provides a brief overview of the history and problem fields of both disciplines, emphasizing the fact that each of them has its own characteristics from conceptual and ontological points of view. In the second part, the author considers stylistics and pragmatics in the general semiotic model as two “dimensions” of linguistic signs. In addition to the three dimensions introduced by C. Morris, i.e., syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics, the author introduces stylistics as the relation (according to the principle of correspondence) of signs to their socio-cultural environment, i.e., their practical/instrumental context. The author distinguishes between two directions within the framework of pragmastylistic studies. The indicative aspect consists of the study of pragmatic characteristics of separate styles, in other words, in the description of the style employing the conceptual apparatus of pragmalinguistics (such concepts as illocutionary function, speech act, pragmatic strategy, pragmatic implication, pragmatic operator, etc.). The applicative aspect of pragmatic studies is the study in the use of stylistic means of language (i.e., stylistically marked lexical forms and their constructions) for the implementation of different types of speech acts.


Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski

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