Metaphorische Konzeptualisierung von Covid-19 am Beispiel eines populärwissenschaftlichen Online-Berichts


Gierzyńska Marta AnnaORCID


Medicine and its secrets have always enthralled human beings, especially when the focus point is on illnesses and possible treatment. The pandemic of Sars-Cov-2 determined our lives. The amount of news associated with the epidemiological crisis substantiates the statement that there is still much that is unknown in this matter. Assuming that the unknownshould be explained via something familiar, I consider the application of the conceptual metaphor. The aim is to investigate its presence and usefulness in the description and understanding of abstract conceptual domains such as illness and its course, therapy and treatment, as well as coronavirus and its form.


Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski


General Medicine

Reference38 articles.

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4. Berg Wolfgang. 1978. Uneigentliches Sprechen. Zur Pragmatik und Semantik von Metapher, Metonymie, Ironie, Litotes und rhetorischer Frage. Tübingen: TBL Gunter Narr Verlag.

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