The aim of this article is to analyse and assess the impact of globalisation processes in the context of migration mechanisms. The analysis is based on statistical data from International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Eurostat. Essentially, globalization consists of ongoing processes involving the flow of goods, information, capital, human resources and the development of transport and communication on an international scale. With advancing globalization processes, procedures applicable to the movement of human capital are simplified, and, at the same time, international migration intensifies. With respect to migration mechanisms, international agreements play an important role, as they establish rules for the movement of migrants across the borders of the state parties to particular agreements. The continually unfolding globalization processes in the 21st century indicate an increasingly evident trend whereby people from poor countries migrate to more affluent countries. Due to the high correlation between migration and socio-economic development, the issue of human capital transfer has become a matter of interest for international economic institutions, particularly where developing countries are concerned. Consequently, greater attention is focused on migration processes and their impact on the social and economic circumstances in particular countries.
Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski
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