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4. Balawejder, M. (2010b). Szachownica gruntów wsi Nowa Wieś przeciętej autostradą A-4 [Land strip pattern of village grounds of Nowa Wies cut across by motorway A-4]. Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas, 12, pp. 17–27. http://agro.icm.edu.pl/agro/element/bwmeta1.element.dl-catalog-5e9eafeb-b91d-4eaea382-ecb2254a0638.
5. Balawejder, M., Leń, P. (2016). The realization of complex work of consolidation and exchange of land in the villages divided by a highway. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 3, pp. 27–37. doi:10.7494/geom.2016.10.3.27.