1. Private practice
2. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia" (RUDN University)
Aim. To study and analyze the role of trace elements in pathomorphological changes occurring in teeth with destructive forms of apical periodontitis in the acute stage by means of light and electron microscopy.Materials and methods. Pathological changes were studied on 46 teeth with destructive forms of periodontitis in the acute stage using an Olympus BX-40 light microscope. Scanning electron microscopy was used to conduct X-ray microanalysis of 10 teeth.Results. The infiltration of the inflammatory focus is an indirect evidence of a change in the balance between the production of oxygen radicals by phagocytic cells in destructive forms of periodontitis and their elimination, which includes multifaceted interrelated factors, namely, direct damage to biomolecules, increased signaling of the nuclear factor, and cell death. The increased amount of studied chemical elements in the tissues of teeth with apical forms of periodontitis during the period of exacerbation allows us to assume that oxygen can become a source of free radicals and stimulate the process of resorption of the tooth root.Conclusions. Cellular infiltration found in biopsy specimens of teeth with destructive forms of periodontitis in the acute stage, as well as an increased content of trace elements in dental tissues, suggests that this contributes not only to loss of bone mass in the periapical space, but also leads to the destruction of apical tissues. Trace elements are biomarkers of oxidative stress. Treatment should be aimed at accelerating the restoration of oxidative balance.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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