
Fotina Т.,Slaston D.


The paper considers the determination of the effectiveness of the virucidal concentration of the new powdered disinfectant «Sukhodez» in relation to DNA-containing and RNA-containing viruses, namely avian smallpox viruses and duck hepatitis. The research was conducted in the laboratory of virology of the Department of Pat anatomy, Virology and Poultry Diseases. To determine the effectiveness of virucidal concentrations of the tool against smallpox virus - DNA-containing, cultured on the chorionic-allantoic membrane in 10-12-day-old chicken embryos and hepatitis virus ducklings - RNA-containing, used a suspension of virus-containing material, which virus on primary cultures of duck embryo cells. The aim of the work was to investigate a new powdered disinfectant «Sukhodez», namely its virucidal properties. The study was conducted in two stages. The first determined the effect of the drug on RNA-containing virus (Avihepatovirus A), and the second stage of research on DNA-containing virus (Fowlox virus). Thus, at the first stage of the research, the effect of «Sukhodez» disinfectant on duckling hepatitis virus was determined at a dose of 25, 50, 75 and 100 g of the product per m2 with an exposure of 15, 30 and 60 minutes and the control was treated with sterile water. Thus, at a dosage of 25 g / m2, the product shows a disinfectant ability of 46.3% in 15 minutes, and at an exposure of 30 minutes. completely inactivates the virus; also studies have shown that at a dosage of 75 and 100 g./m2 at an exposure of 15 minutes complete inactivation of the virus took place on the washes. In the second stage of the study, the effect of the virucidal action of «Sukhodez» on the DNA-containing avian smallpox virus, which was cultured on the chorionic allantoic membrane of 10-12-day-old chicken embryos, was determined. During the study, it was found that at a concentration of 50 g / m2 disinfectant «Sukhodez» after 15 minutes inactivated the virus by 98.3%. However, after 30 minutes, the effectiveness of the disinfectant increased to 100%. When treating surfaces at the rate of 75 and 100 g / m2 of the tool «Sukhodez» after 15 minutes there was a complete inactivation of the virus. not found. According to our research on the virucidal action of the disinfectant, it was found that the experimental disinfectant «Sukhodez» has virucidal properties to RNA-containing and DNA-containing viruses at a rate of 50/75 g / m2 area.


State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives

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