
Shpyt I. V.,Fedorovych V. V.,Kuziv N. M.,Chornyj I. O.


Data on the signs of milk productivity of cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed depending on their lineal affiliation are given. The research was conducted in SE DG "Oleksandrivske" Vinnytsia region (Forest-Steppe zone, n=714), the LLC JV "Imeni Volovikova" Rivne region (Polissya zone, n=1,840) and the SE "Experimental farm "Askaniyske" (Steppe zone, n=926 ) on firstborn and full-grown (III lactation) animals. It was found that cows of the Chif line 1427381 (6384 kg) were the most productive in the first lactation in the Forest Steppe zone, in the third - Eleveishn line 1491007 (7325), in the Polissya zone – Starbak line 352790 for both lactations (6126 and 6521 kg, respectively), and in the Steppe zone – Annas Adema 30587 lines (6570 kg and 7482 kg). The highest content of fat in the milk of the SE DG "Oleksandrivske" was found in the first-borns of the Valiant line 1650414 (3.65%) and in full-aged cows of the Starbak line 352790 (3.59%), in the LLC JV "Imeni Volovikova" – Eleveyshn 1491007 (3.67 %) and Valiant 1650414 (3.68%), in SE "Experimental farm "Askaniyske" – Chif 1427381 (4.19%) and Bell 1667366 (4.19%). It is worth noting that the lowest milk yield for the first lactation in the above-mentioned farms was observed, respectively, in cows of lines Haneve 1629391 (5465 kg), Valiant 1650414 (4545 kg) and Bell 1667366 (6055 kg), for the third lactation - in individuals of lines Valiant 1650414 (6633 kg), Eleveishn 1491007 (6058 kg) and Bella 1667366 (6464 kg). In the Forest Steppe zone, the first-borns of the Eleveyshn 1491007 and Starbak 352790 lines were the least fat-milk – 3.59%, and full-aged cows of the Chif 1427381 and Valiant 1650414 lines – 3.56%, in the Polissya zone – the Chif 1427381 and Starbak 352 lines – 3.62% 790 – 3, 62%, and in the Steppe zone – the Annas Adem 30587 line for both lactations – 3.95 and 3.89%, respectively. Variance analysis confirmed the conditionality of the phenotypic variability of the quantitative traits of milk production depending on the lineal belonging of cows established by the comparison of group averages. At the same time, the line had a more significant effect on hope than on fat. Depending on the farm and lactation, the strength of the influence on the milk fat content was in the range of 4.1–21.1%, and in the range of .4–12.4%. Therefore, the linear belonging of cows to some extent can serve as a criterion for predicting their milk productivity.


State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives

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