Muzyka V. P.,Stetsko T. I.,Panych O. P.,Atamanyuk I. E.,Chaykovska O. I.,Kalinina O. Y.,Uhryn H. P.
The article highlights the relevance of udder hygiene, sources of milk contamination with microflora, udder treatment requirements, sanitary condition control of the teats skin of cow udders, as well as a list of udder treatment products authorized in Ukraine.
Proper preparation of udder teats for milking, namely: treatment with special detergents and disinfectants, compliance with the correct milking procedure significantly reduce the risk of cows with mastitis and increase milk yield. The content of microorganisms in milk shows the hygiene of milking cows, animal health, and the presence of pathogenic and technologically dangerous microorganisms.
Bacterial contamination of milk is significantly increased due to udder diseases in cows. This increases the bacterial contamination of milk with pathogenic microbes, and the milk becomes unfit for consumption and processing (milk from cows with mastitis must be disposed of) milking procedure significantly reduce the risk of mastitis in cows and increase milk yield.
It is necessary to prevent the penetration of microbes into the teat duct for prophylactic mastitis measures Special products should be used to treat the udder after milking. These products have certain requirements, the main of which are: the ability to quickly destroy bacteria; to keep the skin of the teats in good condition; to protect the teat between milking; easy to wash off before milking to eliminate the risk of getting into the milk.
State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives
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