Paper Online Rating Platforms An Emerging Publishing System


Wang Lingfeng,Tang Biqun


Scholarly journals, the electronic posting platform arXiv, and the open-access publishing platform F1000Research are three paper publishing systems currently available to researchers. These three systems all have their shortcomings. We introduce another option, a Paper Online Rating Platform (PORP), where all submissions are rated and none rejected. PORP has obvious advantages, we argue, over the other three paper publishing systems. We define PORP, describe its advantages, and discuss some challenges for its future development.


University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)


Media Technology,Education

Reference20 articles.

1. Michael E. Hochberg et al. ‘The Tragedy of the Reviewer Commons,’ Ecology Letters 12, no. 1 (2009): 2–4.

2. Rob Kling and Geoffrey McKim, ‘Scholarly Communication and the Continuum of Electronic Publishing,’ Journal of the American Society for Information Science 50, no. 10 (1999): 890–906.

3. Diego Ponte and Judith Simon, ‘Scholarly Communication 2.0: Exploring Researchers’ Opinions on Web 2.0 for Scientific Knowledge Creation, Evaluation and Dissemination,’ Serials Review 37, no. 3 (2011): 149–56.

4. PORPs can provide authors with optional paid editing services. In order to improve the readability of their papers, some authors may choose to pay for editing services. Of course, others may choose not to use paid editing services. The decision will depend on an author’s judgement of his or her own writing quality and ability to pay.

5. ‘Rubriq,’ Force11, accessed 2 March 2020,







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