1. “Agreement on Internal Trade.” 1995. At https://www.cfta-alec.ca/agreement-on-internal-trade/.
2. “Agreement on Labour Mobility and Recognition of Qualifications, Skills and Work Experience in the Construction Industry (2006) between the Government of Ontario and the Gouvenement du Québec.” 2006. At https://www.cfta-alec.ca/wp-content/pdfs/English/Progress/TradeEnhancements/06-05-31%20QC-ON%20Construction%20Agt.pdf.
3. Agreement on the Opening of Public Procurement for New Brunswick and Québec. 1993. At https://www.cfta-alec.ca/wp-content/pdfs/English/Progress/TradeEnhancements/English%202008%20QC-NB%20public%20procurement.pdf.
4. Internal trade, productivity and interconnected industries: A quantitative analysis
5. Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle