Do Static Risk Factors Predict Differently for Aboriginal Sex Offenders? A Multi-site Comparison Using the Original and Revised Static-99 and Static-2002 Scales


Babchishin Kelly M.1,Blais Julie1,Helmus Leslie1


1. Carleton University and Public Safety Canada


There is much concern about the extent to which risk assessment tools designed to predict recidivism are equally valid for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal offenders. The current study compared Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal male sex offenders on items and total scores of the original and revised Static-99 and Static-2002 scales. The study included five independent Canadian samples with Static-99 and Static-99R scores (319 Aboriginals and 1,269 non-Aboriginals), three of which also had Static-2002 and Static-2002R scores (209 Aboriginals and 955 non-Aboriginals). Aboriginal sex offenders scored significantly higher than non-Aboriginal sex offenders on total scores and items indicative of general criminality and tended to score lower on items indicative of sexual deviancy. Static-99/R total scores and items generally predicted sexual recidivism with similar accuracy for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sex offenders. In contrast, significant differences were found for Static-2002/R total scores and several of their items, with lower predictive accuracy for Aboriginals. The results suggest that at least some items of the Static scales are not as predictive for Aboriginal as for non-Aboriginal sex offenders, with differences found on Static-2002/R rather than Static-99/R scales.


University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)


Law,Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

Reference62 articles.

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2. Bonta, James, Yessine, Annie K (2005).Recidivism data for 124 released sexual offenders from the offenders identified in The National Flagging System: Identifying and responding to high-risk, violent offenders.User Report 2005-04.Ottawa: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness CanadaUnpublished raw data

3. Haag, Andrew M. (2005).Recidivism data from 198 offenders detained until their warrant expiry date.Unpublished raw data. From Do psychological interventions impact on actuarial measures: An analysis of the predictive validity of the Static-99 and Static-2002 on a re-conviction measure of sexual recidivism. Dissertations Abstracts International 66(8), 4531B. (UMI No. NR05662)

4. Hanson, R. Karl, Harris, Andrew J. R., Scott, Terri-Lynne, Helmus, Leslie (2007).Assessing the Risk of Sexual Offenders on Community Supervision: The Dynamic Supervision Project. Corrections research user report no. 2007-05.Ottawa:Public Safety Canada

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