Elliott Michael,Kovacs Sasha
This contribution surfaces some of the key research provocations voiced through Canadian Soundings, a collaborative research effort that spanned 2020 through 2022, and which culminated in the organization of the symposium Canadian Soundings: Plumbing the Depths of Voice in Canadian Theatre/Profondeurs de la Voix du Theatre Canadien, hosted in digital and in-person formats across the fall of 2022 at the University of Victoria. This event brought together a network of scholars and practitioners to deepen the understanding of voice as a central conduit for the charting of Canadian theatre’s past, present, and future. This contribution first introduces and overviews the activities that constituted that event before surfacing the organizer’s reflections on the workshops, round table discussions, and activities programmed as part of the symposium.
University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)