1. This project would not have been possible without the hard work of a number of exceptionally dedicated law students: Madeline MacDonald, Allison Sharkey, Jean Murray, Gabrielle Berron-Styan, Donna Chapman Jones, Lindsay Frame, Brett Love, and Joanna Stratton. Thanks also to the Law Foundation of British Columbia and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for their generous support of this project.
2. Andrea Dworkin, “Mass Murder in Montreal: The Sexual Politics of Killing Women” in Andrea Dworkin, Life and Death: Unapologetic Writings on the Continuing War against Women (New York: Free Press, 1997) 105 at 106.
3. Statistics Canada, Children and Youth in Canada, by Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, in Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Profile Series, Catalogue No 85F0033MIE (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, June 2001) at 10.
4. Joseph J Fischel, "Per Se or Power? Age and Sexual Consent" (2010) 22:2 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 279. Some scholars supported the raising of the age of consent. Janine Benedet, "The Age of Innocence: A Cautious Defense of Raising the Age of Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law" (2010) 13:4 New Criminal Law Review 665 at 672
5. Helmut Graupner, "Sexual Consent: The Criminal Law in Europe and Overseas" (2000) 29:5 Archives of Sexual Behaviour 415. Others, however, opposed it. Julie Desrosiers, "Raising the Age of Sexual Consent: Renewing Legal Moralism?" in Elizabeth A Sheehy, ed, Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women's Activism (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2012) 569.