1. Cass civ 1re, No 04-15.543, 30 January 2007.
2. This is the song of Fantine, who has been fired from a factory job because she had a child and no father was deemed legitimate, and she turns to prostitution to get money for medicine for her daughter.
3. There are excellent studies on women on the bench, including Ulrike Schultz & Gisela Shaw, eds, Gender and Judging (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013). For my perspective, see Susanne Baer, ‘The Difference a Justice May Make: Remarks at the Symposium for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’ (2013) 25 Colum J Gender & L 93.
4. Quoted in Sean Fine, ‘How Rosalie Abella’s Personal History Shaped Her Legal Legacy,’ Globe and Mail (26 June 2021), online: [Fine, ‘Abella’].
5. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (New York: Penguin Books, 1963).