1. By request, we have used initials to reduce the visibility of a panelist. Visibility can be the source of harm for trans people, particularly for trans women, who are often targeted by in-person and online harassment. See e.g. Donie O’Sullivan and Richa Naik, “Trans Activist Celebrates Rare Victory against Online Trolls after Kiwi Farms Deplatforming”,CNN(7 September 2022)
2. Centre for Gender Advocacy v Attorney General of Quebec, 2021 QCCS 191 [Centre for Gender Advocacy]
3. Bill 2, An Act Respecting Family Law Reform with Regard to Filiation and Amending the Civil Code in Relation to Personality Rights and Civil Status, 2nd Sess, 42nd Leg, Québec, 2021 [Bill 2].
4. See e.g. XY v Ontario (Government and Consumer Services), 2012 HRTO 726 [XY]
5. CF v Alberta, 2014 ABQB 237 [CF]